


Butt Weld Pipe Fittings






We supply superior quality of flanges like steel threaded flanges, socket weld flanges available in various shapes, material and pressure rating to satisfy the varying requirement of the end user. Our flanges are used for piping pressure and have proven record in industries like food, chemical and pharmaceuticals. The ease in fitting and welding reduces the fabrication cost of the users.

Class 150 Flanges

Buttweld Pipe Fittings Buttweld Pipe Fittings
Buttweld Pipe Fittings Buttweld Pipe Fittings
Buttweld Pipe Fittings Buttweld Pipe Fittings

Technical Specifications
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Outside Dia of Flange 'O' Thickness of Flange 'C' Dia of Hub 'X' Length Through Hub 'Y' Thread length 'T' Bore 'B' Counter bore Threaded Flange 'C' Depth of Socket
Threaded Slip on Socket Welding Lapped Weld Neck Slip on socket Welding Lapped Weld Neck Socket Welding
1/2'' 95.3 14.2 38.1 22.352 22.352 52.324 15.748 22.352 22.86 15.748 23.622 9.652
3/4'' 117.3 15.7 47.752 25.4 25.4 57.15 15.748 27.686 28.194 20.828 28.956 11.176
1'' 124.0 17.5 53.848 26.924 26.924 61.976 17.526 34.544 35.052 26.67 35.814 12.7
1 ¼'' 133.4 19.1 63.5 26.924 26.924 65.024 20.574 43.18 43.688 35.052 44.45 14.224
1 ½'' 155.4 20.6 69.85 30.226 30.226 68.326 22.352 49.53 50.038 40.894 50.292 15.748
2'' 165.1 22.4 84.074 33.274 33.274 69.85 28.448 61.976 62.484 52.578 63.5 17.526
2 ½'' 190.5 25.4 100.076 38.1 38.1 76.2 31.75 74.676 75.438 62.738 76.2 19.05
3'' 209.6 28.4 117.348 42.926 42.926 79.248 31.75 90.678 91.44 77.978 92.202 20.574
3 ½'' 228.6 30.2 133.35 44.45 44.45 81.026 36.576 103.378 104.14 90.17 104.902 --
4'' 254.0 31.8 146.05 47.752 47.752 85.852 36.576 116.078 116.84 102.362 117.602 --
5'' 279.4 35.1 177.8 50.8 50.8 98.552 42.926 143.764 144.526 128.27 144.526 --
6'' 317.5 36.6 206.248 52.324 52.324 98.552 45.974 170.688 171.45 154.178 171.45 --
8'' 381.0 41.1 260.35 61.976 61.976 111.252 50.8 221.488 222.25 202.692 222.25 --
10'' 444.5 47.8 320.548 66.548 95.25 117.348 55.626 276.352 277.368 254.508 276.352 --
12'' 520.7 50.8 374.65 73.152 101.6 130.048 60.452 327.152 328.168 304.8 328.676 --
14'' 584.2 53.8 425.45 76.2 111.252 142.748 63.5 359.156 360.172 To be specified by purchaser 360.426 --
16'' 647.7 57.2 482.6 82.55 120.65 146.05 68.326 410.464 411.226 411.226 --
18'' 711.2 60.5 533.4 88.9 130.048 158.75 69.85 461.772 462.28 462.026 --
20'' 774.7 63.5 587.248 95.25 139.7 162.052 73.152 513.08 514.35 512.826 --
24'' 914.4 69.9 701.548 106.426 152.4 168.148 82.55 615.95 615.95 614.426 --

Class 300 Flanges
Technical Specifications
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Outside Dia of Flange 'O' Thickness of Flange 'C' Dia of Hub 'X' Length Through Hub 'Y' Thread length 'T' Bore 'B' Counter bore Threaded Flange 'C' Depth of Socket
Threaded Slip on Socket Welding Lapped Weld Neck Slip on socket Welding Lapped Weld Neck Socket Welding
1/2'' 95.3 14.2 38.1 22.352 22.352 52.324 15.748 22.352 22.86 15.748 23.622 9.652
3/4'' 117.3 15.7 47.752 25.4 25.4 57.15 15.748 27.686 28.194 20.828 28.956 11.176
1'' 124.0 17.5 53.848 26.924 26.924 61.976 17.526 34.544 35.052 26.67 35.814 12.7
1 ¼'' 133.4 19.1 63.5 26.924 26.924 65.024 20.574 43.18 43.688 35.052 44.45 14.224
1 ½'' 155.4 20.6 69.85 30.226 30.226 68.326 22.352 49.53 50.038 40.894 50.292 15.748
2'' 165.1 22.4 84.074 33.274 33.274 69.85 28.448 61.976 62.484 52.578 63.5 17.526
2 ½'' 190.5 25.4 100.076 38.1 38.1 76.2 31.75 74.676 75.438 62.738 76.2 19.05
3'' 209.6 28.4 117.348 42.926 42.926 79.248 31.75 90.678 91.44 77.978 92.202 20.574
3 ½'' 228.6 30.2 133.35 44.45 44.45 81.026 36.576 103.378 104.14 90.17 104.902 --
4'' 254.0 31.8 146.05 47.752 47.752 85.852 36.576 116.078 116.84 102.362 117.602 --
5'' 279.4 35.1 177.8 50.8 50.8 98.552 42.926 143.764 144.526 128.27 144.526 --
6'' 317.5 36.6 206.248 52.324 52.324 98.552 45.974 170.688 171.45 154.178 171.45 --
8'' 381.0 41.1 260.35 61.976 61.976 111.252 50.8 221.488 222.25 202.692 222.25 --
10'' 444.5 47.8 320.548 66.548 95.25 117.348 55.626 276.352 277.368 254.508 276.352 --
12'' 520.7 50.8 374.65 73.152 101.6 130.048 60.452 327.152 328.168 304.8 328.676 --
14'' 584.2 53.8 425.45 76.2 111.252 142.748 63.5 359.156 360.172 To be specified by purchaser 360.426 --
16'' 647.7 57.2 482.6 82.55 120.65 146.05 68.326 410.464 411.226 411.226 --
18'' 711.2 60.5 533.4 88.9 130.048 158.75 69.85 461.772 462.28 462.026 --
20'' 774.7 63.5 587.248 95.25 139.7 162.052 73.152 513.08 514.35 512.826 --
24'' 914.4 69.9 701.548 106.426 152.4 168.148 82.55 615.95 615.95 614.426 --

Class 600 Flanges
Buttweld Pipe Fittings Buttweld Pipe Fittings
Buttweld Pipe Fittings Buttweld Pipe Fittings

Technical Specifications 
N.B. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R T No. of Holes
15 95 14.3 6.4 35 22 38 22.4 9.5 21.3 23.5 52 16 22 23.0 66.7 3.0 15.9 4
20 117 15.9 6.4 43 25 48 27.7 11.0 26.7 29.0 57 16 25 28.0 82.6 3.0 19.0 4
25 124 17.5 6.4 51 27 54 34.5 12.5 33.4 36.0 62 17 27 35.0 88.9 3.0 19.0 4
32 133 20.6 6.4 64 29 64 43.2 14.5 42.2 44.5 67 21 29 43.5 98.4 5.0 19.0 4
40 156 22.2 6.4 73 32 70 49.5 16.0 48.3 50.5 70 22 32 50.0 114.3 6.5 22.2 4
50 165 25.4 6.4 92 37 84 62.0 17.5 60.3 63.5 73 29 37 62.5 127.0 8.0 19.0 8
65 190 28.6 6.4 105 41 100 74.7 19.0 73.0 76.0 79 32 41 75.5 149.2 8.0 22.2 8
80 210 31.8 6.4 127 46 117 90.7 20.5 88.9 92.0 83 35 46 91.5 168.3 9.5 22.2 8
90 229 34.9 6.4 140 49 133 103.4 - 101.6 105.0 86 40 49 104.0 184.2 9.5 25.4 8
100 273 38.1 6.4 157 54 152 116.1 - 114.3 118.0 102 41 54 117.0 215.9 11.0 25.4 8
125 330 44.4 6.4 186 60 189 143.8 - 141.3 145.0 114 48 60 145.0 266.7 11.0 28.6 8
150 356 47.6 6.4 216 67 222 170.7 - 168.3 171.0 117 51 67 171.0 292.1 12.5 28.6 12
200 419 55.6 6.4 270 76 273 221.5 - 219.1 222.0 133 57 76 222.0 349.2 12.5 31.8 12
250 508 63.5 6.4 324 86 343 276.4 - 273.0 276.0 152 65 111 277.0 431.8 12.5 34.9 16
300 559 66.7 6.4 381 92 400 327.2 - 323.9 329.0 156 70 117 328.0 489.0 12.5 34.9 20
350 603 69.8 6.4 413 94 432 359.2 - 355.6 360.0 165 73 127 360.0 527.0 12.5 38.1 20
400 686 76.2 6.4 470 106 495 410.5 - 406.4 411.0 178 78 140 411.0 603.2 12.5 41.3 20
450 7432 82.6 6.4 533 117 546 461.8 - 457.2 462.0 184 79 152 462.0 654.0 12.5 44.4 20
500 813 88.9 6.4 584 122 610 513.1 - 508.0 513.0 190 83 165 514.0 723.9 12.5 44.4 24
600 940 101.6 6.4 692 140 718 616.0 - 609.6 614.0 203 92 184 616.0 838.2 12.5 50.8 24

Class 1500 Flanges
Technical Specifications 
N.B. A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R T No. of Holes
15 121 22.2 6.4 35 32 38 22.4 9.5 21.3 23.5 60 22 32 23.0 82.6 3.0 22.2 4
20 130 25.4 6.4 43 35 44 27.7 11.0 26.7 29.0 70 25 35 28.0 88.9 3.0 22.2 4
25 149 28.6 6.4 51 41 52 34.5 12.5 33.4 36.0 73 29 41 35.0 101.6 3.0 25.4 4
32 159 28.6 6.4 64 41 64 43.2 14.5 42.2 44.5 73 30 41 43.5 111.1 5.0 25.4 4
40 178 31.8 6.4 73 44 70 49.5 16.0 48.3 50.5 83 32 44 50.0 123.8 6.5 28.6 4
50 216 38.1 6.4 92 57 105 62.0 17.5 60.3 63.5 102 38 57 62.5 165.1 8.0 25.4 8
65 244 41.3 6.4 105 64 124 74.7 19.0 73.0 76.0 105 48 64 75.5 190.5 8.0 28.6 8
80 267 47.6 6.4 127 73 133 - - 88.9 92.0 117 51 73 91.5 203.2 9.5 31.8 8
100 311 54.0 6.4 157 91 162 - - 114.3 118.0 124 57 91 117.0 241.3 11.0 34.9 8
125 325 73.0 6.4 186 105 197 - - 141.3 145.0 156 64 105 145.0 292.1 11.0 41.3 8
150 394 82.6 6.4 216 119 229 - - 168.3 171.0 171 70 119 171.0 317.5 12.5 38.1 12
200 483 92.1 6.4 270 143 292 - - 219.1 222.0 213 75 143 222.0 393.7 12.5 44.4 12
250 584 108.0 6.4 324 159 368 - - 273.0 276.0 254 84 178 277.0 482.6 12.5 50.8 16
300 673 123.8 6.4 381 181 451 - - 323.9 329.0 283 92 219 328.0 571.5 12.5 54.0 16
350 749 133.4 6.4 413   495 - - 355.6 - 298 - 241 360.0 635.0 12.5 60.3 16
400 826 146.1 6.4 470   552 - - 406.4 - 311 - 260 411.0 704.8 12.5 66.7 16
450 914 161.9 6.4 533   597 - - 457.2 - 327 - 276 462.0 774.7 12.5 73.0 16
500 984 178.0 6.4 584   641 - - 508.0 - 356 - 292 514.0 831.8 12.5 79.4 16
600 1168 203.0 6.4 692   762 - - 609.6 - 406 - 330 616.0 990.6 12.5 92.0 16


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